Beaker with green liquid releasing chat bubbles with chat lab in black font underneath


Structured Waffle | Chat Lab Ep.32

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan delve into open-ended questions, 3D modelling, jobs, and more! Check out all our socials:

Eternal Isolation | Chat Lab Ep.31

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss job experiences, college, how they would survive in a world alone, and more! Check out all our socials:

A Bit of Everything | Chat Lab Ep.30

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss college, cooking meals, plans to exercise, and more! Check out all our socials:

Do You Want to Be Famous? | Chat Lab Ep.29

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss their college projects, Evan's youtube career, and more! Check out all our socials:

Checking In | Chat Lab Ep.28

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss how lockdown has impacted their life goals, where they are mentally, and more! Check out all our socials:

A Week of Waffle | Chat Lab Ep.27

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss Ethan's college results, Call of Duty's camo system, Ireland staying in lockdown, and more! Check out all our socials:

Should Children Have Technology | Chat Lab Ep.26

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss Evan starting college again next week, their opinions on children with technology, and more! Check out all our socials:

The Afterlife | Chat Lab Ep.25

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss becoming financially literate, thoughts on the afterlife, and more! Check out all our socials:

We're Back! | Chat Lab Ep.24

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan catch up after their 2 week break, discuss fitness, VR, and more! Check out all our socials:

Working Part Time | Chat Lab Ep.23

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss the Paul's boxing events, their experience with part time jobs, and more! Check out all our socials:

What Would You Do? | Chat Lab Ep.22

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss random questions, getting close to finishing college, and more! Check out all our socials:

Taking Exams Online | Chat Lab Ep.21

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss their college projects, taking exams online, and more! Check out all our socials:

Our Personality Test Results | Chat Lab Ep.20

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss how their week went, their personality type results and what they mean, and more! Check out all our socials:

What is Our Personality Type? | Chat Lab Ep.19

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss the new COD and Spider-man, their personality types, and more! Check out all our socials:

Small Habits Make Big Differences | Chat Lab Ep.18

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss their habits, what happened this week, and more! Check out all our socials:

Bucket Lists | Chat Lab Ep.17

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss their bucket lists, what happened this week, and more! Check out all our socials:

Learning a New Language | Chat Lab Ep.16
In today's episode, Evan & Ethan talk about learning a new language, the importance of seperating work and leisure life, and more! Check out all our socials:

The Social Dilemma | Chat Lab Ep.15

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss the netflix documentary 'The Social Dilemma', Ireland going into Level 5, and more! Check out all our socials:

Lockdown 2: Electric Boogaloo | Chat Lab Ep.14

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss the country going into level 3, the new COD, time travel, and more! Check out all our socials:

How Do We Study? | Chat Lab Ep.13

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss Hacktoberfest, Rocket League, Our different methods of studying, and more! Check out all our socials:

The New Snapchat Update Sucks | Chat Lab Ep.12

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss which college is right for you, the snapchat update, and more! Check out all our socials:

Back to College | Chat Lab Ep.11

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss going back to college, iOS 14, the COD alpha, and more! Check out all our socials:

Leaving Cert Results | Chat Lab Ep.10

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss the Leaving Cert results, partying during a pandemic, and more! Check out all our socials:

What Would We Be Like As Parents? | Chat Lab Ep.9

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss how they'd raise their kids, schools going back despite the pandemic, and more! Check out all our socials:

Do Aliens Exist? (Deep Dive) | Chat Lab Ep.8

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss the outcome of colonising planets, the possibility of aliens, and more! Check out all our socials:

Our Top 10 Movies | Chat Lab Ep.7

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan list their top 10 favourite movies, and more! Check out all our socials:

Our Freelancing Experience | Chat Lab Ep.6

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss their experience in freelancing, video games, and more! Check out all our socials:

Jake Paul Got Raided!? | Chat Lab Ep.5

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss Jake Paul's situation, Our favourite way to unwind and more! Check out all our socials:

Our Career Goals | Chat Lab Ep.4

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan discuss their future career goals, if video games are a waste of time and more! Check out all our socials:

How Did We Meet? | Chat Lab Ep.3

In today's episode, Evan & Ethan describe meeting their first friend as well as meeting each other, their past hobbies, and more! Check out all our socials:

Our Job Experiences | Chat Lab Ep.2

Join Evan & Ethan on today's podcast where they talk about their job experiences, streaming, qualities they desire & more!

What is the best sleeping position? | Chat Lab Ep.1

This is Chat Lab, where we thoughts are tested and subjects are studied. Join Evan and Ethan in their first-ever podcast episode, discussing sleep, learning new languages & more!